A Roof Over Your Head, Hope for the Future

Imagine receiving something so big—so significant and so beyond what you ever thought possible—that you were left speechless.
As people who work in real estate every day, we know the significance of a home. A house is more than a place to sleep at night. It’s the very symbol of safety, security and togetherness. It’s the frame around which life, love and family happen.
That’s why we recently spent a Friday helping to build a home for Habitat for Humanity. As we worked throughout the day, we focused less on what we were doing and more on what it was going to feel like for the people moving in.
That’s what it’s all about: Picturing a family walking through those doors for the very first time. Can you imagine it? We enter our own homes every day without thinking twice about what we’re doing. In fact, we probably think more about what’s wrong with our homes —all the things we want to change or fix—than how incredibly lucky we are just to have one.
Does anything do more to improve a person’s life than giving them a solid, stable home? Probably not. That’s why we must keep giving our Time, Talents and Treasures to efforts like this, and in partnership with organizations like Habitat for Humanity.
Sure, it feels good to give. But what really makes a difference is imagining what it feels like to receive. If you want to give that gift, we strongly encourage you to visit the Habitat for Humanity in your community, starting with www.habitat.org.
Donate. Volunteer. Spread the word. And do whatever you can to #BeGenerous in your daily life!